
Jul 2, 2021
Some complaints/suggestions
First - Game have inc tag, right? So why all family members have different hair, skin and eye color? It's very easy - 5 minutes on Google, and it will become clear why because of the recessive genes (or dominant genes) character design is just a visual mess.
And Landlady (Mo...) and others not always from capital letter (or non-capital letter), there another 5 min and 3 simple rule in English language.
Second - renders quality (animations especially)... Yea, not all have top video cards these days, but still.
Third - not sure why "vbar value FieldValue..." and "imagebutton..." were added to "screen say...". It's add 2 annoying elements to UI if ppl playing without textbox background.
Fourth - Empty text under character name when character just walking/staying/thinking/etc., bad idea. Just empty render.
Fifth - Plot a bit simple? Sometimes appears from nowhere unlogical MC decisions. Location change awful.
Sixth - Errors in speech and names.
And others.
Sad, but game quality right now max 2/5.
Dec 20, 2020
I don't get why there is a point system. This isn't a sandbox game. Why have all of the branches that net you points for different characters when you are going to see the same scenes after the choice is made in all branches? All you really need is the choice to follow a relationship path with a character or not.
3.10 star(s) 9 Votes