Dec 7, 2017
Complaining?) Check the definition of this word. Im not complaining, like at all. Just stating obvious and dont mean harm to anyone. You abandoned game just bcause you dont feel like make it anymore and jumping to new way more ambitious project, this dont give your words credibility even in the slightest. Im not telling that you definetily lie, to 2023 similar situations with devs ended with nothing a lot of times (new abandoned game, scumming patreons etc) so your decision at best fishy as fuck. So it will be perfectly understandable if people will stop support/believe your words.

I played Tales of Symmeria and realy liked it by the way.
I'm gonna reply to this just cus you said you liked the game and I believe your sincerity.
They understand people will choose to stop supporting them and I would tell people if they're unsure of where this thing is going to absolutely stop, but there's a very small group who choose to keep supporting them anyways even when made abundantly clear the status of the game at hand, and if not for that they'd probably shut down the patreon long ago.


Oct 16, 2017
I liked the game, any possibility for it to return? or maybe dev makes another one, I mean, I just like his art-style and animation
Dec 16, 2019
All what you have behind you is abandoned game and big words about your new ambitious project. Only mark "Completed" on your new project will prove your words. But Im sure that you will have at least small share of supporters anyway.
And look at that, 1 year later after his last patreon post and you were completely right.

When a dev doesn't finish a game and just jumps to a new project 90% of the time means that they do not have the will to actually end anything.


Jul 12, 2018
And look at that, 1 year later after his last patreon post and you were completely right.

When a dev doesn't finish a game and just jumps to a new project 90% of the time means that they do not have the will to actually end anything.
Lol) Thanks for reply, I already forgot about this game and discussion, but yeah. It was clear from the beggining, that this will be the only outcome.
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Jan 6, 2018
For all of you who have been wondering if I just abandoned everything and ran away with the few bucks I make on patreon: no. I am actually working on Unreal Engine 5. The cash I get from patreon I spend both in blueprints/c++ coding courses for the engine and modular environment, assets and character creation courses for blender, substance painter and zbrush, since here in Argentina the situation is aweful and purchasing anything online in USD comes with a 90% taxes. Yes, almost double.
I'm sorry if I dissapointed you all but I'm not just gonna download a bunch of free assets, steal some r34 over-used models and do a "take this from here to over there" game, it's just not in me nor do I enjoy doing so even if it's the easy way.
As you all know UE5 is not as easy as RPGM nor C++ has been my main working language.

Very recently I've managed to save up some money and quit my full time job that's been consumin the life out of me to be able to spend much more time on the games I want to work on. I will post something over here hoping it's enough for some of you who've been always showing enthusiasm on ToS to not lose your faith in me. If that's not enough I'm sorry, but as I believe I mentioned some time ago: ToS is not good enough for me. I'm thankful for those who enjoyed it but I want the game to be exactly as I picture it and I'm not gonna settle with less than that. In the meantime we're working on a much smaller game to get enough experience in UE to work on this much more ambitious project. I hope you guys understand. Sorry for the trouble.
How is it going?


Mar 1, 2018
Well I'm sad, I gave this game almost 2 years of hiatus so i could come back to lots of content. Terrible to see it abandonned :(
The art was honestly super cute and the animation pretty damn smooth. I read a few pages back, i'm guessing we'll never get this finished product considering the creator is making another game in another engine if that works out they aren't gonna go back to rpgmaker super sad =/
This was a potential masterpiece in the making.


Mar 1, 2018
I liked the game, any possibility for it to return? or maybe dev makes another one, I mean, I just like his art-style and animation
Won't happen I read some of his previous posts, he's working on unreal with 3D models now, so basically complete change in artstyle, assuming he does not give up on that we'll likely never see this game finished
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