Unity - Completed - Dusk City [Steam] [Suteneko Lab.]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Un buen juego no solo se mide por sus gráficos o jugabilidad, sino también por su capacidad para sumergirnos en un mundo coherente y fascinante. Un "buen juego, demasiado bueno" destaca porque va más allá de las expectativas del jugador, ofreciendo no solo entretenimiento, sino también una experiencia rica en detalles, mecánicas bien desarrolladas y una narrativa que engancha desde el principio. Sin embargo, algunos juegos pueden caer en la trampa de incluir escenas de sobra, es decir, secuencias que no aportan al desarrollo de la trama o que interrumpen el flujo natural del juego. Estas escenas, aunque bien hechas, pueden desentonar si no están alineadas con la progresión de la

    A pesar de esto, el buen lore compensa esos momentos, ya que proporciona un trasfondo sólido y profundo al universo del juego. Este lore, cuando está bien construido, permite que el jugador se sienta parte de un mundo vivo, con su propia historia, cultura y personajes memorables. Es esa combinación de una jugabilidad adictiva y un trasfondo intrigante lo que convierte a un juego en algo más que solo entretenimiento: lo transforma en una experiencia inmersiva que los jugadores recordarán mucho después de haber completado la partida.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I have mixed feelings about this one. Let's start with the high point of the game: The pixel art, It makes the world to alive and the animations, wow some of the best I've seen in a NSFW game. There are also non pixel art CGs but they are subpar in comparison (One thing I appreciate is that you can usually see what kind of NSFW event you're going to get so yo can choose to avoid the ones you don't like). In my honest opinion: H Large > H small > CG.

    The story is just ok, nothing of note and I didn't get invested in the characters. And then there's the gameplay... It hurts. Movement is slow, the combat looks and feels horrible and the platforming sections are painful. I just wanted them to end to get to the next cg.

    I will go back to it for the excellent gallery but I would not recommend to engage with it more than that.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the design, I enjoy running around and killing monsters and I like getting rewards from the women I helped with their quests.

    Speaking of, the game is mainly about exploring, collecting and killing stuff while doing the mentioned quests- and since the game does NOT provide any help with either a quest log nor waypoints (you even DO have access to a map, but it is completely useless!), you will always have to run around the city (or even through the dungeons!), searching for ANYthing to trigger your next quest. This is annoying AF. And was the main reason to downvote this game.

    So, 2 stars for the "entertainment section", and 1 star for the gameplay. I would have liked it even more if much of the lewd stuff wasn't just slideshows of pictures- the animated scenes are SO much better!

    It's a shame, could have been so much better.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't care how good the porn is. You don't make a platformer where you jump with X and roll with SPACE. Fuck that shit. Ain't nobody got time for dumb controls like that. Plus the movement and controls felt clunky as hell.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Finish the game, the art is very great, having both pixels animation and cg, character having voices make it even better.

    Gameplay was alright, no lag , a bit lacking in variaty of attack options,
    could be better but still ok, just that after the ending for whatever reason my game was almost completely dark, manage to work around it after a while though

    Story was eh and short, too many unanswered questions and the ending was abrupt, to put it nicely

    Overall still one of the better games that I have played here though, so I'll definitely recommend anyone to try it
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Poor MTL and some glitches hamper what would otherwise be easily the best exploratory game I've played in a bit. It's simple and straight forward with some funny references to some games (devs are clearly fans of 2B and of Elden Ring). The fact that it's not some shitty VN may filter some, as one needs to have patience to really explore and unlock all the content, but that's what 100% saves are for anyhow.
    I hope someone finds and translates this or the devs at some point toss some money toward getting their work translated because it's a gorgeous game otherwise.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    hug > cried > i don't wanna be horni, i just wanna be happy

    probably the best H game i've ever played, you definitely need a good headphone to enjoy the game to the fullest because the audio is so good, even though the MTL are a bit confusing sometimes (it doesn't really bother me since i knew a bit japanese)

    Edit: official english is out
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Mr. Cofman


    The game is boring and repetitive and the story is almost incomprehensible, due to a very bad MTL.

    And yet... the H-Scenes made my brain rot from pleasure.
    For this reason 4/5.

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  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The only good thing about this game is the h scenes. Everything else is lacking.

    Huge empty areas solely for walking through. Boring combat. Frequent loading screens. Story? Yeah, good luck getting anything from the machine-translation. By and far though, the biggest sin this game commits is just being so damn boring. It's just big areas sprinkled with some enemies that are extremely easy to defeat.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    -Gameplay fun, simple platformer with unique and interesting bosses(sky whale went hard as FUCK)
    -Art looks absolutely great especially on the pixel art
    -straight forward, not complicated
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A well crafted game
    Lot's of good scenes from classic CG style to animated pixel art.
    Whilst the story is MTL, it's relatively simple to understand the story of the game.
    You can play the game straightforward or go out getting every chest or secret item to unlock more scenes.
    For the studio's introductory work it's a good start and hopefully they continue to work more on this game as it's got a good base which can be developed more.
    Starring the same artists who worked on "Summer~Life in the Countryside~" if you liked that style I highly recommend.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good balance between sexual content and actual gameplay. The art is clean and enticing with a mix of static CG's and animated scenes and you unlock scenes with story progression which keeps you hooked. The main characters are voiced in japanese and done so professionally. The gameplay is solid for an adult game. The only thing that may be lacking is a proper english translation but I had no problems with understanding whats going on in the conversations.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    -good art style
    -decent gameplay(could be better if i could remap keys,playing with Z X C isn't the best experience on pc)
    -good sex animation,tho i dislike how the semen disappear instantly,if you could stack multiple when you cum on repeat would be hotter
    -ok cg i guess,it's mtl so looking at a picture with broken english ain't getting me horny
    why is 3 star then? because it doesn't make me horny as a porn game,it just isn't there i don't feel any progression it's lifeless,it has a story and good art but since it's mtl it literally doesn't matter
    it could be 4/5 or 5/5 with good english translation but with mtl it can't be more than 3/5 imo when the art by itself doesn't turn me on like some god tier ntr art
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I gave it this rating because they are overrating the game and dismissing all its problems. The game is good but its maximum should be 4 stars, if we compare this game with Eve's Quest it has many points in favor but at the same time many against. The art is very good and the erotic scenes too, but I feel that the game is not finished because there are rooms that are empty and characters that exist but do not contribute anything, also there are places that do not make sense like the greenhouse.

    The gamplay is very good but it is not enjoyable at all, they add synergies for combat but it still doesn't feel fun to play. Most of the time I spent ignoring enemies when I could. And the map is horrible, it has parts that have no border and it confuses you into thinking that it is an unexplored area (this should never happen in a metroidvania style game) there are games like this that are worse but they do not have this problem or they simply do not put the map. You spend your time going around and trying things and it's very tiring, to be honest if this game didn't have erotic scenes no one would touch it.

    The story is strange, I only came to understand that it is post-apocalyptic and that what you explore are laboratories that were left in ruins but I don't understand why there is magic. It also doesn't help that the texts fade 80% after seeing them once and you can only read 2 words.

    The scenes are varied and have several in almost all the characters, they come with pixel art, images and animations (it is the only good thing about this game), I did not like the concept of randomly searching the ruins to unlock the scenes,

    Finally I think that it is a good game but it was too ambitious and has many problems because of this (since they have a little of everything but the only good thing are the scenes)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is perfect: 5/5

    The good:
    -Fun to play: the dificulty is bearable and no grinding is needed, you can just evade the enemies for the most part. The controls are acceptable and the skills and tools are not bad
    -The art: one of the best pixel games out there. You can see scenes with simple sprites and pixel art whole scenes, plus normal art.
    -The characters: good variety of roles, personalities and bodies
    -The story: not too deep, but interesting

    The bad:
    Not a game flaw, but the BepInEx is horrible. Not because of the translation but because in my case, the second time i viewed any text, it was cutted.

    The ugly:
    There were a few side girls that seemed to have a scene but not (farmer, and Osen girls)

    Anyways: 5/5
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    awesome pixelart and animations, the gameplay is great too, there is a lack of enemies varietes, the powerups works pretty good, if i was needed to walk slow the entire gameplay i dont think that i will finish the game, waiting updates and more girls
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This game's h-content is amazing but it is hampered by the shitty mtl translation (not to the game maker's fault), and the gameplay is too simple and time consuming for its own good.

    The MTL implemented is not elegant - it is simply the basic BepInEx plugin that feeds translated text into the game and replaces the japanese text with english. You have to wait for the english text to fill in the textbox, there will be translation cut off, context is not considered, and the lines themselves are barely legible. Also, for some reason the way this plugin is installed it adds loading time when booting the game which I have not seen in other implementations. This greatly hampers the potential enjoyment of the game and if this was one of your primary concerns before playing then I would wait for something of a higher standard before playing the game.

    The gameplay of this game revolves around exploring a town to meet new characters to fuck and advancing the story by delving through a large metroidvania dungeon to find artifacts and scrap parts to make new weapons. Every map in this game is 3-4 times larger then it has to be - probably trying to create the atmosphere of how large the environment is but it really sucks to have to walk around it. When an upgrade exists to make you walk at mach 5 speed and a jump upgrade that lets you scale skyscrapers crackdown-style maybe you should've just made the maps smaller in the first place.

    Enemies can be easily ignored. Bosses can also be ignored entirely and you can loot the treasure they're guarding quite easily - beating them isn't hard at all either. The bosses are big and impressive to look at, however. There is a vital upgrade to unlock parts of the map locked behind finding scrap from chests that a character can turn into a weapon that will be the "key" to the "lock", but otherwise loot is mostly pointless. So all in all trying to actually play the game will be a shallow experience compared to what you might get from other games in a similar genre.

    With these two factors in mind, I experienced a point in the near-endgame when the mtl was too annoying and skipped past it which had vital details to how to unlock the last dungeon, but because the game was too boring for me I quit then and there - i wasn't worth it to try and brute force my way through the dungeon or find the answer in the town. So now I will talk about the only reason why you'd want to play this game - the h-content.

    This game features an expansive list of h-content to enjoy - fully voiced cg scenes, pixel animations both in-map and full screen, with the main girl alone having 11 animations and 9 cgs. Not to mention, pretty much every girl you'll meet will be included in at least one animation or cg scene. No stone is unturned.

    The last thing I'll mention is that interestingly, this game foregoes having any bgm most of the time, leaving you silently exploring dungeons and the town with just the sound of your character running around. This, coupled with the always-night time and cyberpunk x rural x fantasy environment creates an individual mood that feels carefully crafted and a rare experience to have in an h-game. It also makes the boss bgm and the bgm that plays when resting at a bench particularly impactful.

    Because there is so much quality in the h-content of this game and this game really tries hard to build a certain aesthetic and mood, I can overlook how bad everything else is and recommend this game as something worth at least trying out before you inevitably get bored/frustrated and grab a full save.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    the animations are great, characters are sexy asf. a little bit tedious to unlock the next animations due to the translation being all over the place so you kind have to scrounge through the entire map just to get them "artifacts" (what you need to unlock the next animations), but it's worth it, nonetheless.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    10/10 animations, good scene variety but I can't help but wish some characters got more screentime. Not much else to say about them other than the filler CG that's there should have been replaced with animations too.

    9/10 characters, pretty hot npcs and not much else to say there, the enemy designs especially can be really cool when they want to be but that little crab robot thing gets used an awful lot.

    7/10 gameplay, very tolerable metroidvania experience but levels often feel pretty flat and samey. Lots of fast travel and faster movement options open up to keep this from becoming too much of an issue.
    Some bosses pretty much auto-hit you and you can see the devs have spotted this and nerfed their damage output to only tickle. Doors also hold you up a smidge every time you're moving faster than your standard walk speed which you'll notice a lot later on. There's way worse out there but the experience isn't smooth or satisfying, and simply hitting stuff by holding out a lantern and waiting for it to reload its bullets is pretty shit.

    6/10 atmosphere, graphically everything looks impressive and the world is certainly unique but at the same time things feel pretty cobbled together out of random elements.

    6/10 sound, the audio tells enemies make are super clear and distinctive but for some reason a lot of character voices are quieter than they should be.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR absolutely play it because it is worth the time, but it could've been so much more.

    Porn: 10/10 animations, very fappable, will return to it
    Scene Variety: 7/10 wish some characters got more attention, or were more naked; sometimes the giant tits lie to you and you get your butt licked (it was 1 time and I'm being a baby)
    Gameplay: 7/10 sorta metroidvania, well-paced upgrades, just not super amazing or engaging, but it's enough to keep you
    UX: 10/10 cool environment, sounds and character designs

    MTL isn't great (a bit buggy), but it's understandable enough to play. It sucks because the setting is so cool and solitary, and the MTL takes me out of it.

    Everything is easily achievable if you explore. Enemies/bosses are extremely (perhaps disappointingly) trivial. I died once, but only because I didn't know I could buy hp/sp items.

    You get 3 types of sex scenes overall: small pixel, big pixel, and CGs. Not all characters have all types, and some require you to find a special item. Reading your sex journal, you can see more or less how many scenes each character has and what they are ahead of time.

    Beating the game lets you unlock everything.