RPGM RPG Game Help


Jun 23, 2020
Hello there!

First of all I need to say "hi" to everyone since this is my first post. I've been browsing this website for a while now but never been active.

I've been playing a lot of RPG games with sexual, erotic, hentai and real porn contents and I kinda love them.

So a while ago I had an idea in my mind and I decided to try make a game myself.
After looking around for a while I ended up picking RPG Maker MV as best choice for my project.

What I have in mind is quite clear. I have not in mind an oscar-winning plot but quite simple one story with some turns and things to discover in the path.
Basically is a "hero-on-an-island" thing where we find our main character lost on a mysterious island trying to go through it without losing his mind in the process.
The system should be the regular RPG fight with each encounter impersonated by a different girl. Defeating them will lead to sex scenes and eventually unlock secret clips.
The encounters will vary from areas and have different chances to lead to le-sex clip... or not! Some will require special equipment and a certain dose of luck.
I'd also like to put some puzzles, mazes and riddles which will need to be solved to proceed with the story.

So basically simple mechanics, ok story, lot of content.
English isn't my first language so I will eventually need someone to review the dialogues, but that's something I can menage later.

Ofc I would make it 100% free, especially cause I am planning (for now) to use pornstars galleries and videos.

Cons: I have little to zero coding skills and, to be hones, I neither want/have time to learn it. I am too short in free time.
Pros: I'm an experienced GFX so I can easily organize galleries, sprites, graphics and eventually make customized illustrations.

For now I am watching RPGM MV tutorials but I'm still at the very basics... I believe it will take me a lot of time before being able to develop something

What do you think? Is the right way to proceed? Is there a simpler way or anything you'd like to suggest to me?

Any kind of advice or criticism is very welcome! Thanks!
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May 1, 2018
Hello there Vicissitudo!

Well, there will be a learning stage with almost any code/program you pick to make your game, some are more complicated than others, but the most commonly used ones are, well, commonly used because they are the easiest to get a handle on. And RPGM MV is one of them imo. And that will unfortunatly take some time no matter what. But some things can help.

What you are doing imo is the right thing, watch tutorials, maybe grab some examples of simple games and study them, then change a few things in them and see the effects. It would be hard to start from scratch if you don't know what does what, so get some training by changing things in already working games (preferably very simple games or examples from tutorials), that should help you figure out how things are coded.

Not having a coding experience can be a problem, but as long as your logic is sound, and the general "big" picture of your game is clear in your mind (ie. how you want the different parts to interact/progress/be linked/etc) it should make the process of coding it easier. But also, make sure you stay within the possibilities of the program you pick, and for that, you will need to watch tutorials, and study examples to see what is possible with it.

Finally, start easy, like realy easy, remember that the first thing a coder learns at the university is how to display the phrase "Hello World!" (that's what I learned first, and I was so excited when I saw that line pop up on the screen hehe). And go from there.


Dec 11, 2017
Hello, can someone please help me, when I want to start a game, unfortunately this is all that happens?!